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documentation for bulk api 2.0?

How Contacts Flow Through the Campaign Canvas


The My Oracle Support (MOS) knowledge base has several articles relating to the campaign canvas and how to manage contacts as they flow through it. Here are a few highlights.


To view the links to MOS articles in this post, you need Oracle Single Sign on credentials.


Contacts flow through the Campaign Canvas once, unless you change the settings.

By default, contacts only flow through a campaign once. This is an extra safety net for your campaigns to make sure that contacts aren’t bombarded with the same email multiple times. Sometimes, you may want to allow contacts to flow through a campaign more than once because you want them to flow through a different path and receive a different email. Or you may have an ongoing campaign where assets regularly change, so each time the contact flows through it, they receive a different email.


Fortunately, this is an easy setting to change. See these related MOS articles:


A contact cannot be in two places on the Campaign Canvas at once

If you do change your campaign settings to allow contacts to enter more than once, keep in mind that contacts will not be able to re-enter the campaign until they have completed the flow of the campaign and exited it. Contacts can exit a campaign through a step that moves them to another campaign, program, or shared list. If, for example, your campaign ends with an email step, contacts stuck in this step will not be able to re-enter the campaign.


If a contact is not re-entering a campaign as expected, see this MOS article to find out if it is stuck in a particular campaign step: How to See Which Campaign Step a Contact Is in.


Contacts can be moved, even if the campaign is active

Sometimes, contacts don’t flow through your campaign the way you hoped they would. Or maybe you want to change the path through which certain contacts flow. Every once in a while, you may even catch an error on an active campaign. For whatever reason, you may need to manually move contacts on an active campaign.


Keep in mind that it is best to move contacts to a wait step. If you want to move contacts to a different type of step, such as a decision step, you should deactivate the campaign, add a short wait step to the campaign canvas, and connect it to the step that the contacts will be moved to.


For steps on how to do this, see the MOS article: How to Move Contacts from One Step to Another in an Active Campaign.


You can have multiple campaign flows with multiple segments on the same canvas

If you are comfortable with the Campaign Canvas, you can set up an advanced flow that uses multiple segments. The flows don’t have to have shared steps, although they can. This can be useful if you are running multiple simultaneous campaigns and you want to keep a single set of reporting data.


For details on using multiple segments, see the MOS article: How to Add Contacts to an Active Campaign.


The contacts in a segment may be dynamic, but the contacts on the Campaign Canvas are not

Segments that use filters to dynamically pull contacts from your database will change regularly. The contacts in the segment last week may be different from the contacts in the segment this week. When you activate a campaign with one of these dynamic segments, the contacts that are added to the campaign are the contacts in the segment at the time of activation. When the segment changes, any new contacts in the segment will not be added to the active campaign, unless you select to add contacts to the campaign hourly. This is why you sometimes see contacts that look stuck in the segment step.


Another important thing to keep in mind about segments is that you can’t change the segment after the campaign is activated. If you do, contacts may get stuck in the segment step.


For more information on segments use on the Campaign Canvas, see these related MOS articles:

Eloqua Summer 2014 Release – Did You Know?


It’s that time of year again! Eloqua is pushing its Summer 2014 release over the next two months. Here is the schedule and some of the features we are most excited about!

  • POD 2 is scheduled for June 17
  • POD 3 is scheduled for July 6
  • POD 1 is scheduled for July 27

Don’t know what POD you are in? Here’s how you find out:

Check out this quick list of the features we think are most exciting coming out of the Summer 14 release:

Use External Systems to Drive Campaigns (Cloud Actions, Cloud Decisions):

  • This means you will be able to trigger actions in external systems from a campaign step (instead of ‘send to cloud connector’ step, there will be a specific action for that installed app, i.e. register with WebEx – that action will be listed along the left of the campaign canvas). It also means you will be able to use external data to define branching logic ‘decisions’ in a campaign and you can allow external systems to put contacts into campaigns.

Template Design & Management:

  • Eloqua will now have new template capabilities to create emails with lockable sections and propagate changes to all emails using the template; no more “save as” or “copying” emails to create ad hoc templates. Now you (or your designers) can define editable sections in HTML and enforce when things are uploaded as a template.

Improved Editing & Design Experience:

  • What used to take designers, HTML and marketers lots of time will now be streamlined. In the new release you will be able to make inline visual edits to uploaded emails or landing pages, as well as getting a new mobile preview that renders content on a standard 960×640 screen.

Marketing Operations Center:

  • No one ever liked having to answer to IT for system problems, lack of logs and service issues. Now Eloqua is providing a slick set of reports and dashboards with key service instrumentation, monitoring and alerting; actionable views of logs and system messages (lead scoring, Bulk API usage), and the ability to enable/disable services in the system.

Integrated Sales and Marketing Funnel (Controlled Beta):

  • Marketers are getting one step closer to a full closed-loop reporting system that can be sliced and diced with ease. Right now, this is in a controlled beta, but we are very excited to see it rolled out!
  • Currently supported for SFDC only, CRMOD coming in Fall.
  • Stages are set up in Revenue Architect; report is based on Stages, not stage type.
  • Data in the report runs by ETL process, so there is a bit of a lag; however, the report shows date/time of last/next update.

Oracle Content Marketing

  • For users of Oracle Content Marketing (formerly known as Compendium), there is a very slick and functional calendar update coming! The calendar will include ALL activity (not SRM/Responsys yet):
  • Emails scheduled for a certain date/time; draft emails/campaigns
  • Campaigns that are less than 30 days in length will appear on the calendar for the duration of the campaign
  • Campaigns that are more than 30 days will only show the campaign on the start date
  • You will also be able to manage across business units/multi-division: manage multiple workflows/projects/personas/content.
  • The app will feature multiple approval workflows: improved role-based access features and commenting on assets to allow for in-app collaboration.

For a full listing of the new features rolling out and documentation, visit the Release Overview on Topliners: http://topliners.eloqua.com/docs/DOC-2524?sr=tcontent



Originally posted at: http://www.pedowitzgroup.com/blog/eloqua-summer-2014-release/

Help - I Need To Download My Overall Current Unsubscription List (All Time) - E10


As part of our data health we remove records from Eloqua for a number of reasons (inactivity, unsubscribe, etc). Once removed the contacts are no longer in the contact table and can not be pulled into segments via filters.

We needed an overall current unsubscription list overtime for an upcoming system integration.


If you are trying to access this same information it can be found under Setup > PowerTools (Screen shot from our specific license of Eloqua, thx for heads up Vickie Le Sellin that some licenses may have different options.)




Then Select Overall Current Unsubscription List (All Time)


This will allow you to download a spreadsheet containing all of the data. Note: Records removed from the system will likely only contain the email address and removal date. Unsubscribes still in the contact table provide greater detail.


HIGH FIVE to @Michael Green on my team for figuring this out. I couldn't find it so I wanted to document here for next time.


cc Leyla Farah -

What if... you could e-mail contacts based on THEIR time zones...?


When you're a global company that wants to send an email to a group, wouldn't it be great to schedule it on THEIR time zone.


I imagine a field populated with time zone based on either address or last web activity location.

If blank, the default is the system time zone, or can be set by the campaign creator.


Sometimes 9 a.m. eastern isn't enough.


I really don't want to have 5 different segments based on country in order to send at the right time...



I will feature request this and populate title..

Requirement to Show Form Fields only if Check Box is clicked




I have been trying to use landing page javascript to show hidden fields of the forms only when a form checkbox element is clicked. I am having no success


here is what I did. I create the form with 4 fields


a. Title drop down

b. First Name

c. Please Contact Me Check Box I gave this field an id of "showEmail"

d. Hidden field and I used field merge to prepopulate the hidden field with email address of the contact. The id for this field is field3


The below code works fine in jsFiddle but in Eloqua landing page does not work at all


console.log("Calling the JS file");

console.log("Now Accessing the Form");

var oForm = document.getElementById("form18"); // This reference here is a must



var checkbox = oForm.elements['showEmail'];

var emailaddr = oForm.elements['field3'];

console.log("Checkbox Check in progress");

console.log("Current Value of Check Box is "+ checkbox.value);

console.log("Current Value of Email Address is " + emailaddr.value);

checkbox.onchange=function ()






  if (checkbox.checked)











What am I doing wrong. ? What is the approach to add Javascript to enable customization of form elements.


The error I get is oForm is null or oForm is undefined or when I use jQuery simply the below code does not fire at all


$("#showEmail").change(function (e)


                    console.log("Calling Change Function");

                    $(this).is(':checked')? $("#field3").prop('type','text'):$("#field3").prop('type','hidden');


                    //alert("Checkbox is checked");


Insight Report Subscription Delivery History


I regularly schedule reports for email subscription delivery in Insight and I'm wondering if there's a way to check whether those reports were successfully delivered. In E9 you could run a delivery history report, but I'm not seeing anything similar in Insight. Am I missing something? Any help would be much appreciated.

What feature are you most excited about in the Summer ’14 Release?


Eloqua’s Summer Release is upon us and I’m curious to know your favorite new or enhanced feature. (Bonus points if you share how you plan to use it!). Myself… I’m most excited about Reviews and Approvals. Since I work with several teams, this has been on my wishlist for a LONG time!

(A bit behind on the Summer Release? You can find specific details on all these features and the roll-out schedule in this post in the Eloqua Insiders group. Note: this is a private group for Customers only, you will need to request to join.)

Most form processing steps you've ever used on a single form?


I've been following this thread How many form processing steps are too many?  It looks at the technical side of how processing steps trigger... but the comments started to have a bit of competition for most processing steps... What about you? What are the most form processing steps you've ever used on a single form?

Why an Eloqua Health Check?


If you’ve had a good SmartStart, it’s very likely that everything is fine with your Eloqua system.  But over time, there are processes that you don’t always look at, and those things might not be responding the way you need them to. 

Systems and processes degrade over time. Data degrades over time. New people may not have gotten adequate training, and sometimes, you just don’t know what you don’t know.


And just like a finely-tuned engine that you haven’t looked at for a while, Eloqua can get out of tune.


That’s why an Eloqua “Health Check” can be so important. A proper “Health Check” can answer so many questions for you, and help put you on the right footing to move forward confidently.


We invite you to watch our video and learn the importance of the ‘Health Check’ for your organization:

For more information visit www.4ThoughtMarketing.com, or call 1-888-ELOQUA4 (888-356-7824) or email info@4ThoughtMarketing.com

RSS Cloud Content in emails


Eloqua has released an app that allows you to take an RSS feed and embed it into an email. This guide will explain how to install and use the RSS Cloud Content in emails app. This guide assumes you are familiar with creating and sending emails from within Eloqua.
In order to initially install the RSS app, you will need to be an Eloqua Customer Admin, and have access to the "Setup" area of Eloqua. In order to use the app, you need to have access to creating and modifying Eloqua emails from within Eloqua.


The RSS app allows you to define an RSS feed which can be used to feed the content of the RSS into the email. The RSS content will be captured at time of email send. Users can define the RSS feed, the number of RSS articles to include and the orientation (vertical or horizontal). Default CSS is provided, but users can define their own. Users can also customize the RSS feed URL with information from the contact (such as "industry").


Installing the App into the Catalog:
In order to install the app, please click on the link from the App Cloud Listing.

You will be prompted to input your Eloqua credentials. Please do so, and click "Sign In".

You will then receive a page similar to the below screenshot. Click "Accept".

Install App from Catalog.png

You will receive a confirmation page that the app has been added to the catalog.


Installing the app into Eloqua:
Click on the "Catalog" button.
Click on "Install" beside the name of the app (circled in red on the below screenshot):

Installing App.png
Click  on the "Configure" button that appears on the next screen:



On the next screen, click "Accept"



You will receive a confirmation page that the installation is complete.


The app is now installed and available for your users.


Using the RSS App

In the email editor, double click the "Cloud Content" button. Find the app named "Embedded RSS" in the list, and drag it onto the landing page where you would like it. Double click, and you will get the following config screen:

RSS Config.png

RSS Feed URL: PLace the RSS feed here. Include the http:// at the start
Number of stories: This is the total maximum number of stories that will be displayed. It is possible that less articles will be displayed if less are in the feed

Layout: Would you like the articles to be aligned horizontally, or stacked vertically?

Custom URL Tokens: If you would like to personalize the URL with data stored on a contact, you would add a custom URL token. Click the + button, then select the Eloqua field from the pick list. Then, input the parameter that will be added to the URL Token name (such as "Industry")

Styling (CSS): You can modify the default CSS styling.

Preview: You can see how the RSS feed would render.

Save: Click save when done configuring the feed.





As of August 6rh 2014, there are the following known issues:
- When  sending an email from within the email asset page (Either through "Test Content and Deliverability" or "Email a contact"), the email is not sent. This does not affecting sending via simple campaign or multistep campaigns

- Cannot copy an email asset with RSS on it

- Cannot apply RSS to an email and save as a template

2Checkout Lead Scoring Model for High Volume Inside Sales Team

Using Dynamic Content


I am curious as to how people are using Dynamic Content in emails, landing pages, and PURLs.  When you use Dynamic Content, how many variations do you typically create?

How can I add a contact in a shared filter via blind form?


Hi everyone, I am new here and I am still familiarizing myself with Eloqua. I have successfully setup a blind form, thanks to this: Blind Form Submit Links: Complete and Submit Forms with a Single Click and now I need to add those contacts who clicked on my blind form URL in a shared list named "ClickThru_Whitespace-Shared List". However, when I test it, the contact is not added in the Shared List. Can you please help me? Thanks in advance!


What do the new options in Form processings step 'Add to shared contact list' mean?



In 'The Destination Contact List is...' dropdown there are multiple options like 'Determined by an option list' but theres no documentation on what they do and how and when to use them. When I select either on of the options below, the option to select a shared list disappears and there are no option regarding the option list items. The lack of documentation on E10 features is sometimes really frustrating.



How do you load Dynamic Content into Eloqua?


What is the best way to import large amounts of assets and dynamic content rules into Eloqua. When you have a campaign with a large amount of dynamic content do you import....

Prospect profiler - web alerts not working.


We had a recent upgrade to Eloqua and the Prospect profiler has stopped working - either within MSCRM (2011) or directly from the Prospect's ribbon.


The circle spins but the tick signalling the alert has been set does not appear and the alert can't be set.


I can no longer set up web alerts. Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you,




Easily create engaging content that works throughout the buyer’s journey.


SnapApp is a content marketing platform that allows marketers to easily create interactive content including assessments, interactive white papers, surveys, contests, infographics and more.  Companies publish this content on landing pages, email, mobile and social and add the data collected to Eloqua contacts for real time lead scoring and nurturing. 

Companies average 50% click thru rates and 40% conversion rates with SnapApp.

Joint SnapApp-Eloqua customers include: Monumental Sports and Entertainment, Rockwell Automation, Iron Mountain, DDI (Development Dimensions International), PBS, Harte Hanks, Crowe Horwath, LexisNexis, Bizo and more.


The SnapApp Platformbannerad.gif

  • Ideate & Create: Choose from dozens of different interactive content types including: assessments, interactive whitepapers, interactive infographics, ROI calculators, promotions, contests, sweepstakes, surveys, polls, and tests
  • Publish & Promote:  On landing pages, emails, websites, blogs, ad units, social channels, mobile (responsive design!)
  • Manage & Measure:  Click throughs, leads, subscribers, opt-ins, profile information, pageviews, downloads


Get more out of your Eloqua investment

  • A Fuller Sales Funnel:
    • Click thru rates average 50%
    • Conversion rates average 40%
    • True cross-channel distribution: email, Facebook, LinkedIn, website, blog, QR code, mobile.
  • More Detailed Prospect Profiles:
    • Interactions yield relevant, recordable data across channels.
    • Lead data collected from interactive content can be appended to a CRM system or to Eloqua in real-time.

    • Leads can be scored based on combined Eloqua and SnapApp data.
  • More Effective Nurturing & Customer Retention:
    • Tailor content to keep leads from going cold.

    • Collect feedback and market insights from customers and prospects.
    • Educate, entertain, and engage prospects and customers throughout the sales funnel.

Eloqua Integration

Depending on your Eloqua instance, a SnapApp can either be embedded into your landing page, or is accessible via drag and drop as a component in the Eloqua AppCloud. Additionally, you can take advantage of SnapApp's Feeder in Eloqua for seamless delivery of lead data into your contact groups.

Customers and Use Cases

SnapApp customers use the platform for a range of activities from expanding the funnel and profiling prospects, to engaging existing customers:

  • DDI (Development Dimensions International) drives engagement and further qualifies prospects
  • Iron Mountain uses SnapApp integrated with their CMS to repurpose their existing marketing assets
  • Rockwell Automation uses photo contests to drive employee engagement
  • Discovery uses SnapApp to promote various programs including Sharkweek
  • PR News created a Valentine’s themed “Why I love my job?” SnapApp
  • Harte Hanks uses graded “tests” to educate their customer base regarding advanced marketing topics
  • PBS uses quizzes and polls embedded in their CMS and Email marketing to expand their database of potential donors
  • Bizo builds benchmark assessments to drive engagement with their how-to guides


Learn More:



Although Eloqua does not charge for access to this app, additional fees and/or a subscription are required by the provider. Please contact SnapApp for additional details.


Company Overview

SnapApp’s content marketing platform gives companies the power to drive engagement, generate leads and increase revenue by easily creating, publishing, promoting and measuring interactive content that works across any channel.  Marketers can select from a range of customizable content types including assessments, knowledge tests, polls and surveys, interactive whitepapers and infographics, calculators and contests that average click rates of over 50% and conversion rates in excess of 40%. SnapApp customers include EMC, Discovery Communications, Iron Mountain, PBS, Harte Hanks, Monumental Sports & Entertainment, Citizen Watch, and The Los Angeles Times among others. SnapApp can be reached at 1-855-SNAP-APP or  at www.SnapApp.com

Cloud App Action Service - notification url is not called




I have created an Eloqua Cloud App with an Action Service.

To test it I created a campaign and added a couple of members but for some reason it seems like the notification url is not called at all.


It set the service up exactly like described here:Develop an AppCloud Action Service

My Notification URL is: http://URL/apps/components/notify?instance={InstanceId}&asset={AssetId}


I had a look in the log file (for the app) and there is no outbound call for the notification url either.


So the question is what am I doing wrong?





D&B Direct for Eloqua


D&B Direct for Eloqua can help marketers:

  • Enrich their Lead Forms– Shorten web forms by supplementing fields with D&B business data on the back end, increasing conversion rates.
  • Enhance E-mail Targeting - Data cleansing and enrichment capabilities help you segment your market and target your best prospects. Create campaigns that connect with the right buyers and flat out get results.
  • Drive Higher Response Rates - Get all the insight you need to create relevant, personalized messaging from right inside your Marketing Automation system. Engage prospects more effectively and have more meaningful touch points with customers.
  • Increase Campaign ROI - Eliminate duplicate records and validate your customer data against D&B’s authoritative source of over 225 million companies and 20 million email contacts. Create more effective campaigns and maximize the value of your marketing automation system.
  • Get More from Your Marketing Automation System - With the ability to enrich incoming leads with key data, you can simplify web forms to improve conversions and route leads more efficiently. Fill your sales pipeline with higher quality leads and drive more sales.


Learn More:


Although Eloqua does not charge for access to this app, additional fees and/or a subscription are required by the provider.  Register for and install the connectors here. To activate the connectors with a D&B API key, contact Dun & Bradstreet.

Company Overview

Dun & Bradstreet is the world's leading source of commercial insight on businesses. D&B's global commercial database contains more than 220 million business records.  The database is enhanced by D&B's proprietary DUNSRight® Quality Process, providing quality information in our global solutions that customers rely on to make critical business decisions.

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